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Louis XIII

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Louis XIII - 1715 1
Louis XIII - 1694 9
Total Price $0.00
Catalog Number : louis-xiii

Quick Overview

The Louis XIII metal easel frame captures the classic beauty of elegant European art with a beautiful floral design. Available in both gold and pewter with two size options, this metal easel frame will transport your home to a simpler time.

This elegant design borrows elements from the time of its namesake, King Louis XIII of France. The hanging positioned at the top of the frame remind the viewer of the natural beauty in the world. Sitting on top of the frame, the intricately detailed wreaths evoke feelings of a simpler time. The two columns on the side of the frame are reminiscent of classical architecture, with bands and bows embellishing upon this motif. And, the beaded top and bottom border adds a sophisticated and elegant texture to the frame. This frame is the perfect gift for anyone with an appreciation for classical art, or pride in their French heritage! It’s also ideal for weddings, bridal showers, and any occasion!

The freestanding design makes the Louis XIII metal easel frame the ideal choice for displaying photos of family and friends on the mantle, nightstand, or any other flat surface.

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